Thursday 28 April 2011

Method ONE! Conservation

Recycling household water by using laundry water to flush toilets and using water from washing vegetables to water the plants. Collecting rainwater to wash the floor helps us to save water too.
Singapore makes use of pipes and drains which are connected to the reservoirs to collect rainwater. By repairing underground leaking piping systems, we would stop the leaking and not waste water.
For farmers they should consider using water drips instead of water sprays or irrigation canals.
For factories, they should replace older equipments that use more water with water saving equipment.
Finally, they can organize water saving campaigns such as water rationing exercises and mass medias.
Leaking pipe

Fixing faulty pipes

Collection of rainwater


Water spray
Overall, we should use water wisely and keep our water courses and catchment areas clean at all times.

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